Posted by: ashburnreviews | March 18, 2009

Skittles Social Media

Go to the Skittles Web Site. When asked, type in your birthday (to verify your age). Then you are brought to different parts of the web – which currently are mentioning – like Twitter or YouTube – overlapped by a small navigation graphic.

It is an interesting concept and worth taking a look at.

When I first came to the Skittles home page, after entering my birth date information, I was brought to a page that looked like this:


I clicked on “chatter”, and was then brought to a Twitter page that shows me Twitter chatter about Skittles.


Depending on what you click on, it looks like they also show Wikipedia and Facebook pages too.

An article worth looking at can be found on AdFreak where they talk about the new Skittles site being a rip-off of another site for Modernista.

(screen shot
(via TechCrunch)

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